In Singleness

What is Singleness? - An Introduction You'll Be Interested In

Some people view singleness as the time you spend between partners, perhaps scrolling through relationship videos on TikTok and asking God when your time will come. Others may see it as a period to be young and experiment without commitment. Whatever your take on singleness, we would like to propose a different perspective.

By Pari


Apr 11, 2024

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The Oxford Dictionary defines "single" as ‘being unmarried or not involved in a stable relationship’ but as Christians, our definition goes beyond that. The Bible addresses singleness as a valuable and purposeful state. Jesus, who lived a single life devoted to God's mission, acknowledged in Matthew 19:12Some are born as eunuchs, some have been made eunuchs by others, and some choose not to marry for the sake of the Kingdom of Heaven. Let anyone. [NLT] that some people remain single for the sake of the kingdom of heaven.

The Apostle Paul expands on this in 1 Corinthians 7, suggesting that singleness can be beneficial because it allows us to focus more on serving the Lord without the distractions of marital responsibilities. He views singleness as a gift from God, just as marriage is. Paul emphasizes that unmarried people can care more for the Lord's affairs and how to please Him, while married people are concerned about the affairs of this world and how to please their spouse. Paul's writings encourage us to be content in our current state, whether single or married, and to serve God wholeheartedly.

We are not saying that the only way to fully fulfill your purpose in Christ is to be single. Instead, we urge you to think of singleness as an opportunity to build your relationship with Christ. Learn to wholly lean on Him, trust His guidance for your life, so that when any relationship comes your way, be it romantic, platonic, or otherwise, you cannot be swayed because your foundation is on solid rock.

First, there was God, then there was you, and every relationship in your life flows from the relationship between you and your Creator. Nurturing your relationship with Christ is indirectly nurturing every relationship you will ever encounter.

As Johnny Ardavanis says, "Singleness is a gift, not a present. The gifts that God gives don’t have our preferences in mind; they are first and foremost for His own glory, for the advancement of His church, and for your own good." This sentiment encapsulates the essence of singleness, which we will continue to explore in depth in the singleness series.

There are so many aspects to this and we can’t wait to explore them with you. Welcome to the speech bubble!

Singleness is a gift, not a present. The gifts that God gives don’t have our preferences in mind; they are first and foremost for His own glory, for the advancement of His church, and for your own good.