In Relationship

Is It Okay to Kiss My Partner in a Relationship? - Christians and Dating Intimacy

Whether or not it is okay to kiss your partner is a common question for Christians in relationships. While many answers online leave the decision up to you and your partner, we offer a different perspective. How can you honor God and maintain purity in your relationship?

By Pari


May 10, 2024

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Kissing is essentially pressing your lips against something or someone, but we're not here to discuss kissing a friend's cheek or kissing a baby's forehead 😂. This is about romance and the act of kissing your partner's lips in an intimate manner. And many of the answers you'll get online about kissing will leave the decision to you and your partner - it’ll say personal preference, it'll say it's based upon what triggers you, and you've already heard that bit so let's dive into our own perspective.

Let's start out with a scripture in (Matthew 5:28)“But I say to you, whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart." [NKJV] that reads "But I say to you, whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart [NKJV]". Okay so sexual immorality doesn't even start with the action, but the heart. It starts from looking and thinking. The thoughts itself are where the sin begins. And while kissing feels great, we have to look at it objectively and decide where it takes us. Does kissing uphold thoughts that are holy or make you wonder what it'll be like to have just 5 more minutes in your partner's arms?

We already know that sex before marriage is a sin, so after hugs, many Christians will extend to cuddling, kissing and smooching. Others will take it a step further and clothes will go off. And then the extremes where hands and mouths are in contact with private parts - with the belief that since there's no penetration, there's no sin 👀. And oftentimes the extremes never happen the first time. It is rare to hear that the first time a Christian dating couple got sexual, they started out at the middle or extreme; it is almost always a progression. So what are we setting ourselves up for when we begin french kissing and touching ourselves in a Christian relationship?

If you've been told by God to not eat of the tree of good and evil, a best practice for you would be to not even go around the tree of good and evil in the first place [even though he may not specifically warn you not to go around it]. To protect yourself from the likelihood of being tempted and then making an attempt. So, if we are to flee from Sexual Immorality, isn't the best practice to not engage in opening any doors that lead you towards it?

Some people will say - "The Bible doesn't say we cannot kiss, I can handle it, I can stop at just kissing and it won't make me think of my partner in any lustful way" - Well, the question to you then would be why is it so important? What would you be losing in your marriage to this partner, if you steer away from kissing them before marriage - as a boundary in commitment to honoring God with purity in your relationship. Because, "you may now kiss your bride" isn't really "you may now kiss your bride again".

In fact, while hugs are comforting, if they stir up thoughts that you shouldn't be having about your partner, a best practice would be to keep away. In conclusion, we would advise no kissing. We would ask instead that you seek a wholesome relationship where all the important questions are asked and the right connections are developed. Where you support each other's goals, purpose, emotional and spiritual lives. In all things, don't forget (1 Corinthians 10:31)“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." [NIV].

If you've been told by God to not eat of the tree of good and evil, a best practice for you would be to not even go around the tree of good and evil in the first place.